Friday, June 23, 2023

The magic of silver

 The elixir of health and longevity has been sought for millennia in India, China and Europe. It was the unattainable dream of alchemists - partly ancient scientists, partly magicians. Some believed it did not exist, others thought its creation and recipe was one of the most closely guarded secrets of secret knowledge.


Since time immemorial, sages have been trying to unravel the mystery of human longevity, or rather, how to induce it and then maintain it. They searched for a substance that would keep the body and mind in good condition for as long as possible. The invention of a longevity elixir was not an easy task; it required knowledge and long, arduous work. The elixir of longevity turned out to be not only gold, but also silver. Immaculately pure and subjected to a special process, it transformed into a state which enabled it to penetrate every cell of the human body. The microfine particles of metallic silver acted as an elixir of health and vitality.

Silver elixir under a magnifying glass

Ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese physicians, appreciating the elixir's salutary effects on the body, began to administer it to their aristocratic patients. Only the wealthiest could afford the silver treatment, harmonising body and mind. For hundreds of years, the silver elixir, like its gold counterpart, was reserved only for the privileged social strata in Eastern culture. Records of the elixir survive to this day. Many scientists around the world have investigated the mechanism of action of this preparation. The results have exceeded expectations. A mixture of the purest silver and water in the form of a colloid has proved to be a remedy for various ailments. Colloidal silver has a broad spectrum of action. It is non-toxic, safe and effective. It accelerates the regeneration process of the skin, thus facilitating the healing of wounds, and is recommended both in human and veterinary medicine. It would not be at all abusive to say that a healing concoction made of silver and water is a discovery for the 21st century.


What benefits can be gained by using colloidal silver? First of all, it strengthens the body's defences, which translates into greater resistance to disease. In addition, the specificity has a very strong antibacterial effect. It kills more than 650 types of pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses and fungi. It fights the flu in 12 to 24 hours and treats skin diseases, including acne, psoriasis, dandruff and ringworm. When sprinkled into the eyes, nose and ears, it eliminates runny nose and conjunctivitis. Research is underway into the use of colloidal silver in the treatment of AIDS. Daryl Tichy, one of the researchers at Brigham Young University, sent colloidal silver to the UCLA Medical Center in the United States. There, a study was conducted from which the following would emerge: (colloidal silver) "killed not only the HIV virus, but all the viruses that were tested in the lab". According to medical reports, many doctors have successfully used colloidal silver to treat cancer. Colloidal silver is bioavailable, non-addictive and has no side effects. It can be used in adults and children,with the exception of those who have a known allergy to silver.


The ancients claimed that silver is "gold, whose solar ray is directed inwards, instead of manifesting outwards". By affecting our insides, silver helps to harmonise the workings of the mind and has a calming and tranquilising effect. 'Life Force' colloidal silver is also said to purify on a spiritual level. It adds strength and vitality to the elderly and sick. People who take the preparation systematically confirm that they feel a strong surge of energy. Their bodies regenerate faster. Allegedly, a person taking colloidal silver needs less sleep and food, yet the body functions harmoniously. This would suggest that the colloidal silver preparation has a revitalising effect on the body and noticeably improves wellbeing.

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