Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Separation spell reviews

 In the world of magic and witchcraft, spells are diverse and can range from love spells to healing spells and even protection spells. One category of spells that often garners both intrigue and concern is separation spells. These spells are believed to be capable of creating distance or discord between people or situations. In this article, we will delve into the concept of separation spells, exploring their beliefs, uses, and the ethical considerations surrounding them.  You can find more information about spells at https://love-spell-reviews.com

What Are Separation Spells?

Separation spells, as the name suggests, are magical practices or rituals aimed at creating separation or discord between individuals, couples, or groups. These spells are designed to disrupt, weaken, or end a particular relationship, whether it's a romantic relationship, a friendship, or any other form of association.

It's important to note that separation spells can vary widely in intent and complexity. Some may be relatively benign, merely creating a temporary rift or cooling off period between two people, while others are intended to permanently sever ties and cause emotional or physical harm. The ethical considerations and consequences of separation spells often depend on the intentions of the practitioner.

Beliefs Surrounding Separation Spells

The belief in separation spells is not uniform and varies across cultures and belief systems. In some cultures, separation spells are seen as a legitimate means of addressing conflicts or protecting oneself from harmful relationships. For example, in certain forms of folk magic, practitioners may use separation spells to break a curse or to distance themselves from toxic individuals.

In other belief systems, such as modern witchcraft and Wicca, the use of separation spells is discouraged or considered unethical due to the ethical principle of the Wiccan Rede, which emphasizes "An' it harm none, do what ye will." This principle advises against causing harm to others, and separation spells that intentionally harm or manipulate individuals would be considered contrary to this belief.

Uses of Separation Spells

  1. Relationship Dissolution: Some individuals turn to separation spells as a means to end a romantic relationship that has become unhealthy or harmful. They may believe that these spells can create emotional distance and help both parties move on.

  2. Breaking Curses or Hexes: In some belief systems, separation spells are used to break curses, hexes, or negative energy that may have been directed at a person or a relationship. The idea is to separate the negative energy from its target.

  3. Escaping Toxic Relationships: In cases of toxic friendships or associations, separation spells can be seen as a way to protect oneself from further harm and to distance oneself from negative influences.

  4. Family or Group Conflicts: Some practitioners may use separation spells to resolve disputes within a family or group setting. The intent may be to calm tensions and encourage communication rather than permanently sever ties.


The world of magic and witchcraft is diverse, with various spells and practices catering to a wide range of intentions and beliefs. Separation spells, while a part of this magical tapestry, come with ethical considerations and potential consequences that practitioners must take into account. The decision to use a separation spell should be made with careful thought and an understanding of the potential impacts on all parties involved. It is essential to approach such spells, if used, with respect for the autonomy and free will of others, and to consider alternative methods of conflict resolution and relationship management before resorting to magical intervention.

Effective love rituals really work

 Love, in all its forms, has been a timeless and powerful force that has inspired poets, artists, and mystics for centuries. It's a force that transcends boundaries and brings people together in the most profound ways. The use of magic to influence matters of the heart is a tradition as old as human civilization itself. Among the many tools and techniques available to practitioners of love magic, the combination of an orange candle and saffron is a particularly potent and enchanting choice. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of love magic with an orange candle and saffron, delving into the symbolism, history, and practices that make this combination so magical.
You can find more information about spells at https://love-spell-reviews.com


The Power of Color: Orange

The color orange is often associated with joy, enthusiasm, and warmth. It is a color that radiates positivity and vibrancy. In the realm of magic, colors play a significant role as they are believed to have their own unique energies and vibrations. Orange, with its vibrant and invigorating energy, is the perfect choice for love magic. It symbolizes not just romantic love, but also the love between friends and family. It is a color that promotes communication and openness, making it an ideal choice for strengthening relationships and bonds.

Saffron: The Golden Elixir

Saffron, often referred to as the "golden spice," is one of the most expensive and prized spices in the world. Its rich and warm hue mirrors the energy of love, and it has been used for centuries in various cultures for its powerful properties. Saffron is known for its ability to enhance sensuality, passion, and desire. It's no wonder that it has a special place in love magic. The spice is associated with the sun, a symbol of vitality and life force, and it is believed to bring warmth and positive energy to romantic relationships.

The Historical Significance of Saffron

Saffron has a long and storied history in the world of magic, healing, and spirituality. It was used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. In ancient Greece, saffron was scattered on the beds of newlyweds to ensure a passionate and fruitful union. The Romans, on the other hand, used saffron in their love potions, believing it to be a potent aphrodisiac.

In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, saffron has been revered for its healing properties, as it is believed to balance the body's energies and promote emotional well-being. Saffron threads are still used in traditional Indian ceremonies and rituals to this day.

In medieval Europe, saffron was a highly sought-after commodity and was often used in love spells and charms. Its association with the sun made it a symbol of enlightenment and transformation. Saffron's rich history and the reverence it has received throughout the ages make it a valuable addition to love magic.

Love Magic with an Orange Candle and Saffron

Now that we've explored the symbolism and historical significance of the orange candle and saffron, let's delve into how they can be used in love magic.

  1. Setting the Mood

Before you begin any love magic ritual, it's essential to set the right mood. Find a quiet, dimly lit space where you won't be disturbed. Light some incense or use essential oils with fragrances associated with love, such as rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang. Create an ambiance that's conducive to relaxation and focus.

  1. Choosing the Right Candle

Selecting the perfect orange candle is a crucial step in your love magic ritual. The candle should be made of natural materials, such as beeswax or soy, and left unscented to avoid conflicting aromas. If you can find an orange candle that's been charged or blessed for love magic, that's even better. If not, you can cleanse and charge the candle yourself by visualizing it being filled with the intention of love and positivity.

  1. The Role of Saffron

Saffron can be used in various ways during your love magic ritual:

a. Saffron Oil: You can create saffron-infused oil by gently warming a carrier oil (such as almond or jojoba) and adding a few strands of saffron. Let it sit for a few days to absorb the saffron's energy. Use this oil to anoint the candle before your ritual, drawing a heart or other love symbols on it.

b. Saffron Tea: Brew a saffron tea to consume before or during your love magic ritual. Saffron tea can enhance your sensuality and open your heart to love's energies. Remember to set your intentions while sipping the tea.

  1. The Ritual

Begin your love magic ritual by lighting the orange candle. As it flickers and the flame dances, visualize the love and passion you desire. Imagine your heart opening and filling with warmth and positivity. You can recite a love incantation or a personal affirmation, focusing on your intention.

Place the saffron tea or saffron-infused oil near the candle, allowing the scents to mingle and create a sensory experience. Feel the energy of love enveloping you as you connect with the candle's flame and the saffron's fragrance.

  1. Meditation and Visualization

Close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Visualize the love you seek manifesting in your life. Picture yourself in a loving, fulfilling relationship or see the existing relationship in your life deepening and growing stronger. Embrace the emotions and sensations that come with this visualization, allowing them to become a part of your reality.

  1. Closing the Ritual

As you finish your meditation, express gratitude for the love that is on its way to you or for the love that already exists in your life. Blow out the candle with a sense of fulfillment and peace, knowing that your intentions have been released into the universe.


Love magic with an orange candle and saffron is a beautiful and enchanting practice that can help you attract and nurture love in your life. The symbolism of the orange candle and the rich history of saffron make this combination a potent tool for love magic. Remember that love magic should always be used with the purest of intentions and with respect for the free will of others. With the right mindset and a sincere heart, you can harness the energies of love to create a life filled with warmth, joy, and passion.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

What is a wicca love spell?


Wicca, a modern pagan witchcraft religion, is rich in mystical practices and rituals, and one of the most fascinating aspects is its approach to love magic. Love spells within the realm of Wicca aim to enhance and attract love, deepening romantic connections, or fostering self-love and self-acceptance. In this article, we will explore the intriguing world of Wicca love spells, delving into their principles, components, and ethical considerations.For more information visit https://love-spell-reviews.com

The Essence of Wicca Love Spells:

Wicca, a nature-based religion, revolves around the veneration of the Earth and its cycles. Love spells within Wicca harness the energy of nature, the elements, and the practitioner's own intent to manifest or enhance love. Central to Wicca love spells are the following key principles:

  1. Respect for Free Will: Wiccans believe in the importance of free will. Love spells are not meant to manipulate or control someone's feelings but rather to create an atmosphere that invites love and attraction naturally.

  2. Harm None: A fundamental tenet of Wicca is the Wiccan Rede, which states, "An it harm none, do what ye will." Love spells are intended to bring joy, love, and happiness, never harm or suffering.

  3. Harmony with Nature: Wiccans hold a deep connection to nature and its elements, including Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Love spells often incorporate these elements to enhance their effectiveness.

Components of Wicca Love Spells:

Wicca love spells incorporate various components and rituals, each serving a specific purpose to draw love into one's life or strengthen an existing connection. Here are some common elements of Wicca love spells:

  1. Candles: Candles play a central role in Wicca love spells. The choice of candle color depends on the spell's intent. For example, red symbolizes passion, pink for romance, and green for fertility.

  2. Crystals and Gemstones: Certain crystals and gemstones are believed to radiate love energy. Rose quartz, for instance, is often used for its associations with unconditional love and compassion.

  3. Herbs and Oils: Various herbs and essential oils are used for their symbolic and aromatic properties. Lavender and rosemary, for example, are thought to represent love and devotion.

  4. Incantations and Chants: Love spells often involve spoken or written incantations or chants. These words serve to focus the practitioner's intention and invoke the desired outcome.

  5. Correspondence with Phases of the Moon: Wicca places great importance on the phases of the moon. Love spells are often performed during specific moon phases, such as the waxing moon for attracting love and the full moon for manifesting intentions.

  6. Altar and Tools: Practitioners typically have an altar dedicated to their rituals. This space may include tools like a chalice, athame (ritual knife), and other items to represent the elements and deities.

A Simple Wicca Love Spell:

Here's a straightforward Wicca love spell to attract love or enhance your existing relationship:


  • A red or pink candle
  • A small piece of rose quartz
  • Lavender oil
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • A quiet and peaceful space


  1. Begin by setting up your altar or sacred space with the red or pink candle, the rose quartz, and other tools you prefer.

  2. Cleanse the space by smudging with sage or simply taking a few moments to center yourself.

  3. Light the candle and, as it burns, meditate on your intention to attract love or enhance your current relationship.

  4. Anoint the candle with a few drops of lavender oil while focusing on your desired outcome.

  5. Write your intention on the piece of paper, being specific about the kind of love you seek. Use positive language and present tense, such as "I am open to receiving a loving and caring partner" or "My existing relationship grows stronger every day."

  6. Place the piece of rose quartz beside the candle and focus on the loving energy it exudes.

  7. Read your intention aloud, three times if possible, as you visualize the love you desire flowing into your life.

  8. Sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes, feeling the warmth and love from the candle and rose quartz envelop you.

  9. Extinguish the candle and express gratitude for the energy you've invoked. Keep the rose quartz on your altar or carry it with you to amplify the love energy in your life.

What is an egyptian love spell?

 The allure of love, romance, and passion has captivated humanity throughout history, leading people to explore various mystical practices and rituals. Ancient Egypt, known for its rich culture, fascinating mythology, and mysticism, also held a profound interest in love magic. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of Egyptian love spells, exploring their history, components, and the mystical beliefs that surround them. If you want to find out more visit https://love-spell-reviews.com

Ancient Egypt and Magic:

Ancient Egypt was a civilization where magic was an integral part of daily life. The ancient Egyptians believed that magic was a potent force that could influence the natural and supernatural worlds. Magic, known as "heka," was used in various aspects of life, from healing and protection to love and romance.

Key Beliefs and Deities:

Before we explore the components of Egyptian love spells, it's important to understand some key beliefs and deities central to the practice of love magic in ancient Egypt:

  1. Goddess Hathor: Hathor, often depicted as a cow-headed goddess, was the divine embodiment of love, beauty, and music. She was a central figure in love spells, believed to possess the power to bring love and joy into the lives of those who invoked her.

  2. Amulets and Symbols: Ancient Egyptians used amulets and symbols that were believed to have protective and love-attracting qualities. These included the ankh (a symbol of life and immortality), the heart (symbolizing love and emotions), and various animal representations.

  3. Cosmic Forces: The ancient Egyptians believed that cosmic forces, such as the movement of the stars and planets, influenced human affairs, including love and romance. Astrological considerations played a role in the timing of love spells.

Components of Egyptian Love Spells:

Egyptian love spells were intricate and multifaceted, combining words, symbols, and ritual actions to manifest the desired outcomes. Here are some common components of these ancient spells:

  1. Incantations and Invocations: Love spells typically began with spoken or written incantations. These invocations were directed toward deities associated with love, such as Hathor, or to the cosmic forces believed to influence romantic affairs.

  2. Amulets and Charms: Amulets, inscribed with protective or love-attracting symbols, were often used in love spells. These amulets were believed to carry the power of the deities and cosmic forces invoked in the spell.

  3. Herbs and Ingredients: Specific herbs, oils, and other natural ingredients were used to create potions and perfumes believed to enhance attraction and love. These might include myrrh, rose, and jasmine.

  4. Candle Magic: Candles played a vital role in Egyptian love spells. The colors of the candles were chosen based on their symbolic meanings, and the flames were believed to carry the desires and intentions of the practitioner to the divine.

  5. Offerings and Devotion: Love spells often involved offerings to the gods, such as food, drink, or other items considered sacred. Devotion to the deities was seen as a way to ensure their favor in matters of the heart.

  6. Written Spells: Some love spells involved inscribing symbols, words, or names on papyrus or other materials. These written spells were considered powerful tools for invoking the gods and cosmic forces.


Egyptian love spells offer a fascinating glimpse into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was an integral part of daily life. These spells were rooted in a deep belief in deities, cosmic forces, and the power of symbolism. While they share similarities with modern love magic, they were guided by ethical principles that emphasized respect for free will and positive intentions.

Today, Egyptian love spells serve as a testament to the enduring human desire for love and connection. They remind us that the pursuit of love, guided by respect and positivity, has been a timeless and universal theme throughout history. While we may not use the same symbols and rituals as the ancient Egyptians, the essence of love and the quest for romantic enchantment continue to unite us across the ages.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

How do love spells work?

Love, the profound and mysterious emotion that has captivated humanity for millennia, has inspired countless rituals and practices aimed at enhancing its presence in our lives. Among these, love spells hold a particularly enchanting allure. But how do love spells work? In this article, we will explore the fascinating mechanics behind love spells, delving into the belief systems, energies, and intentions that make them a powerful tool for those seeking to manifest love, deepen existing relationships, or promote self-love. I also recommend the article https://www.love-spell-reviews.com/what-is-love-binding-spell-and-is-it-effective/

Understanding the Fundamentals

Before we delve into the workings of love spells, it's important to recognize that love spells are rooted in various belief systems, and their effectiveness often depends on the practitioner's belief, intent, and energy. While the mechanics may differ between traditions and practices, certain fundamental principles underlie love spells:

  1. Energy and Intention: Love spells are based on the idea that everything in the universe consists of energy, including our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Practitioners harness this energy and direct it toward a specific goal – in this case, the manifestation of love or the strengthening of existing love.

  2. Resonance: Love spells operate on the principle of resonance. The energy, thoughts, and intentions put into a spell resonate with similar energies in the universe, attracting what is sought. This resonance is often compared to the law of attraction.

  3. Symbolism and Visualization: Love spells frequently use symbolic tools, such as candles, crystals, herbs, and incantations, to help practitioners focus their intentions. Visualization, wherein the practitioner vividly imagines the desired outcome, plays a crucial role in amplifying the spell's energy.

  4. Timing and Lunar Phases: Many practitioners believe that the timing of a love spell, such as casting it during a specific lunar phase or on a significant date, can enhance its effectiveness. These timing considerations are rooted in astrological and magical correspondences.

  5. Ethical Considerations: A vital aspect of love spells is ethical conduct. Practitioners emphasize respect for free will and the consent of all parties involved, as manipulating or controlling someone's feelings or actions without their consent is considered unethical.

Types of Love Spells

Love spells come in various forms, each tailored to different intentions and needs:

  1. Attraction Spells: These spells aim to attract a new romantic partner into one's life. They often involve rituals, chants, and the use of symbolic tools to amplify attraction energies.

  2. Enhancement Spells: Enhancement spells focus on deepening and strengthening existing relationships. They may emphasize qualities like trust, communication, and emotional intimacy.

  3. Self-Love Spells: Self-love is a prerequisite for healthy relationships. These spells boost self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-worth, fostering a positive self-image.

  4. Healing Spells: Healing spells are used to mend emotional wounds caused by past relationships or traumas. They promote emotional healing and growth.

  5. Protection Spells: In addition to attracting love, practitioners may cast protection spells to shield their relationships from negative influences or external harm.

How Love Spells Work

The mechanics of love spells can vary based on individual beliefs and magical traditions. However, a common thread runs through many practices:

  1. Setting Clear Intentions: Love spells begin with a clear and specific intention. The practitioner identifies the type of love they seek, whether it's attracting a new partner, deepening an existing relationship, or promoting self-love.

  2. Choosing Tools and Correspondences: Practitioners select appropriate tools and correspondences that resonate with their intention. These may include candles, crystals, herbs, oils, and incantations, each chosen for its symbolic and energetic associations with love.

  3. Creating Sacred Space: Many practitioners cast a sacred circle or create a consecrated space for their spellwork. This space serves as a protected and focused environment for the ritual.

  4. Ritual and Visualization: Practitioners perform the chosen ritual, often involving lighting candles, burning herbs, or arranging crystals in a sacred pattern. Throughout the ritual, they vividly visualize the desired outcome, engaging their emotions to amplify the energy.

  5. Affirmations and Incantations: Spells often incorporate affirmations or incantations that align with the practitioner's intention. These words are spoken or chanted to invoke the desired energies.

  6. Release of Energy: When the energy reaches its peak, the practitioner releases it into the universe, trusting that it will resonate with the intended goal. This release may involve a symbolic gesture, such as blowing out a candle.

  7. Meditation and Grounding: Practitioners often conclude the spell with a period of meditation, grounding themselves by visualizing excess energy returning to the Earth.

  8. Closure: If a sacred circle was cast, it is closed to release the energy and disband the protected space.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are paramount in love spellwork. Practitioners must approach these spells with respect for free will, consent, and the highest good of all parties involved. Attempting to manipulate or control someone's feelings or actions without their genuine consent is considered unethical and can have negative consequences.


The mechanics of love spells are as diverse as the practitioners who employ them. While some attribute their efficacy to symbolism, energy, and intention, others emphasize the role of the universe's response to these intentions. Regardless of the specific beliefs, love spells serve as a potent tool for those seeking to manifest love and deepen connections.

It is essential to remember that love is a complex and delicate matter, and ethical considerations should guide the practice of love spells. Approached with mindfulness, respect, and a sincere heart, love spells can offer a means to enhance the power of love in our lives and foster harmonious relationships.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Love for a spell - a ritual to invoke love

 Everyone longs for love, for closeness with a person who will make us feel safe and most important in the world. However, this is not easy, sometimes we fall in love with a person who does not reciprocate our affection, sometimes adversity causes us to be condemned to loneliness, and sometimes we condemn ourselves to a lack of love. Something blocks us internally - stops us from opening our heart to another person. However, we don't have to give in to this - love can be helped with magic.

To be in a relationship is to create a psychic bond between two people. Such a bond is much more difficult to break than physical intimacy; you can part with a particular person but still be mentally connected to them. This results in an inability to enter into a new relationship, to remain in the past, even though it has passed. All that is left is disappointment and pain, which paralyses the heart from being able to give it back to the other person. In such a situation, a cleansing ritual is helpful. One has to face the past and let the bad energy from the previous relationship go. Only when we have completely severed the ties linking us to our former lovers and regained inner peace can we apply the spells for new love.

However, we must remember that love spells can be dangerous, for love is a great force and using or manipulating it can prove fatal to us. The awakening of feelings can be helped, but no one should be forced to love. Everyone has free will and it is immoral to force someone to love us. Even if one could do such a thing, it would never be true love and would not provide proper happiness. Besides, a person can always fall out of love, but the feeling caused by the spell is much more lasting. It may not be possible to free ourselves from the person we have bound to each other with the help of magic. As a result, we will be doomed to suffer anyway, so it is necessary to approach the possibilities offered by love magic very sensibly.

If we want to achieve a certain goal, the best way, instead of casting spells on a particular person, is to create an amulet aimed at making our dream come true. Such an amulet is supposed to make us meet our ideal partner, but it will be someone we have just met, not someone we know, who will suddenly fall in love with us through magic. The creation of such an amulet is simple. We only need to prepare a few items: three ribbons - red, green and white - and an apple or willow branch. The last item we will need will be a candle. Candles are one of the most important magical attributes. They create the right aura for performing spells and the fire itself has a purifying effect. The simplest ritual is to write a wish on the candle and light it, then the very act of burning the candle is the realisation of the spell. This is also what we need to do in this ritual, writing on the candle of the name chosen for our candidate. However, it must not be forgotten that the colour of the candle is crucial. Candles for love spells are red - evoking passion and pink - symbolising romantic love. It is the latter that we will need.

However, gathering the attributes is only the easier part of performing the love spell ritual. The real magical power comes from visualisation. We need to relax and imagine our ideal partner - both his or her appearance and character. However, we can't think of a specific person, it's just meant to be a fairly general set of qualities we want. Imagining a partner can go a step further than visualisation. We can use affirmation - which is actually treating our imagined person as a character that already exists. We should speak to it, talk to it, feel as if it is next to us. Let us express our longing and desire for an already completely physical encounter. The more sincere we are in this and the more deeply we believe it, the sooner our desire will come true.
We then give the imaginary figure a name or use a caressing phrase to describe him or her and write it on a pink candle, which we light. In turn, we write our name on a red piece of paper. Continuing to focus on the image of our partner and what our relationship with him or her would look like, we weave a braid of coloured ribbons and wrap it around the name card. This braid will symbolise a mutual closeness in love. This is then sealed with wax from a burning candle, which is then used to attach the card and the ribbons to the previously prepared branch. When the candle has burned out completely and the wax on the branch has dried, the charm is ready. All you have to do is hang it on your bed and wait for luck in the form of the man of your dreams to knock on your door.

Another amulet we can make is one in the form of a pouch. We sew a small pouch out of red silk, obligatory with such a colour as well as material and, of course, with our own hands. As usual, we set the right mood by lighting a pink candle and visualising love. The bag should be small, as it will be most effective if we have it with us at all times. We fill it with dried apple peel, rose petals and two white feathers. Sprinkle with musk oil and you can enjoy a ready-made, fragrant amulet that will help you find love.

For the same purpose, we can perform another, slightly stronger ritual. This ritual needs to be repeated for three days in a row. You will also need a pink candle, or to be more precise, four - one large and three small ones, such as those placed on a cake. It's important that the small ones can burn completely quickly and, of course, are pink in colour. Again, we need to visualise our ideal and write it down, this time on a piece of paper. We sit comfortably in front of the candle and before we light it, we start to meditate - for our mind must be cleared. This is one of the most important principles of white magic - for spells and rituals to be effective both in our space and internally there must be peace and harmony. When we are ready, we write the name of one of the three runes on the largest candle: gebo, fehu or teiwaz and only now light it. The choice of runes itself should also not be random - runes as well as candles have enormous power and must be used with reason. If we are looking for a friendship partner, with whom we can form a compatible relationship for years to come, it is best to choose the gebo rune, which ensures a good relationship and symbolises sincerity in both giving and receiving. For the more passionate, who want thrilling sex and wild excitement, the fehu rune would be more appropriate - a fiery rune which usually ensures wealth, but also good sex. The second rune we can use in this situation is teiwaz, the masculine rune responsible for sexuality, especially useful for those who, in addition to finding love, would like to have an offspring right away.
After selecting and writing down the rune and lighting the large candle, we continue to focus on the image of our ideal and light the small candle, waiting for it to burn all the way through. We repeat this action three times. On the last day, burn the card with the description of your partner prepared on the first day in the flame of the large candle. It is good to leave the pink candle alone in the large candle. This is because sometimes we do not need the magic ritual itself, but only to open ourselves to love, which will come by itself. Pink candles or other magical objects associated with love, such as the runes described earlier, should be constantly in our sight. All we need to do is get used to the possibility of love and it will easily find us. If the reason for our loneliness is love failures, it is worth redecorating the flat, preferably according to feng shui principles. Newly arranged space will help us make new decisions and come to terms with the past, and small talismans, such as rose quartz jewellery or incense sticks in the flat, will give us positive energy to act. For we should remember that love is unexpected and surprising. So don't try to understand it or chase it by force, but open your heart to another person, and then you will certainly not go unnoticed.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The curse, or the power of words and thoughts

 Often, when things don't go our way, we say that someone has cursed us. However, we don't always take these words completely seriously, and yet there are more and more experiences which prove that words can have the power to make a difference. It is therefore worth considering how thoughts and words can affect another person and reality as a whole.

The power of the mind is proven by all meditation techniques - especially visualisation. When we want something very much, we focus on it, repeat it in our mind or out loud and thus accelerate the realisation of our desire.

Not everyone believes this, of course, but there are also people who attest to the fact that the mind functions independently of the body. It can leave the body in particular situations, so that such a person can move through space, leaving his or her body in place. Such an experience is called exteriorisation, or out-of-body experience, or OOBE for short. Another skill often possessed by astral travellers, or those who practise extroision, is the creation of thought-forms. These are energy forms created from recurring thoughts. They differ from thoughts in that they are more intense, can be seen, felt or even spoken to, if it happens to be a human thought-form.

Such a thought-shape can also physically affect another person or object, either positively or negatively, depending on how you shape it in your mind. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has performed experiments that irrefutably prove the real impact of thought on reality. Emoto's main topic of interest is water - its ability to collect and store information. He noticed that water molecules during crystallisation could arrange themselves into different forms depending on the stimuli that influenced the water. So the scientist prepared two water samples, one he and his staff subjected to optimistic, positive thoughts and the other to negative ones. When frozen at -5 degrees C and the crystals magnified under a microscope, it can be seen precisely that the crystal forms of the water that was subjected to positive thoughts are geometric and evenly arranged, as opposed to the latter forming chaotic and imprecise forms. What's more, Emoto's research team used a variety of stimuli to influence the water - whether verbal, auditory or just visual, as well as those transmitted by thought alone. In each case, the effect was the same, the crystals changed according to the values communicated, and the material effects of the experiment should dispel the doubts of the biggest sceptics.

Emoto's water experiment is not the only one that proves the power of thought and words. One of the Japanese scientist's listeners conducted an analogous trial himself, but instead of water, he used cooked rice sealed in a jar. One jar was spoken to kindly each day, while the other was insulted. All other factors such as location, temperature and sunlight were the same, yet the reaction in the jar was different. The rice subjected to positive emotions partially fermented, making it smell nice, while the other one turned black and completely spoiled. The experiment was so unusual that it attracted numerous imitators who could not believe the results. To the astonishment of the sceptics, each experiment produced the same results.

The thrill of fear is evoked by the thought of what a human curse can produce when directed at a person rather than an object. Among other things, voodoo, a religion derived from African beliefs, is based on such an effect. Voodoo is shrouded in a very bad reputation as being dangerous, associated with summoning evil spirits and causing suffering. However, it is important to remember that, like all magic, voodoo can be good as well as bad. The whole essence of voodoo is based precisely on faith, or the power of the mind. Not just by uttering the spell itself, but by believing in it and by the power of will and desire, one can manipulate another person. To bring misfortune upon him, to persuade him to do something wrong, but also to heal him and restore peace of mind.

To become proficient in these methods, one has to become a shaman; for the uninitiated, playing with these powers can end badly, for example by summoning an evil spirit over which they will not be able to control. It is important to remember how powerful thought is and not to hastily wish anyone anything bad, because on the one hand our wishes may come true, while on the other negative energy may return to us faster than we think.

Separation spell reviews

 In the world of magic and witchcraft, spells are diverse and can range from love spells to healing spells and even protection spells. One c...